Getting back to my stories after a busy period ….. Chicken Licken is being worked up - backgrounds of drawings or paintings with little characters superimposed.

Creating a picture book

Stories for critical thinking

Do people need to develop certain skills to be active citizens? If so, what would these be?

My stories play with how to develop critical thinking skills in a way that children will enjoy.

How did I start?

My first story, Supersitters, went through many iterations, using a storyboard as in the image below.

Angela Hall Angela Hall

Trialling Supersitters

Trialling with Year 3 and Year 5 children today in a local school. They gave some great feedback. They enjoyed finding evidence from the story that matched ‘facts about reptiles’.Some of them gave me advice about the sequels (!) and they got that the story discussed discrimination. They think I should add lots of ‘sssssss’ when the reptiles are talking - because I read it that way!

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Angela Hall Angela Hall


My first reptile babysitters in Supersitters looked quite human. Early reviewers suggested that they should be more reptilian!

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